PERFECTION / SPECULATION is a research and practice-based investigation into genes, memes and the modifiable human body.
Developed with Norwegian arts and cultural catalyst PRAKSIS, the project is supported by a dynamic relationship between its partners: The Vigeland Museum and the nomadic queer club concept and conversational platform Karmaklubb*. Using the Genetics Gym project (2016-20) as a thematic reference, the project focuses on developing sculptural modifications of Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland’s work (1869-1943) as a centrepiece to investigate past and future constructions of gender, race, sexuality, age, body politics, and the notion of the ideal human. The project featured a party, exhibition, and talk series at the Vigeland Museum, exhibiting large format video and audio pieces projected against the internal courtyard over a curated evening of conversations and performances exploring research around genes, memes, and the modifiable body (2021).
In the summer of 2023, the project culminated in a four-part interview and research document with leading protagonists in the fields of new technology, identity, the body and the perception of self. Together, they provide a kaleidoscopic view of the impacts of new technologies on issues of identity and the human body. They variously reflect on the ways that algorithm-driven trends shape senses of (embodied) selfhood and desires relating to body image. Also under consideration are the ethical implications that arise when bio-technologies, perceptions and constructions of self, body modification and big data collide.
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Bioethics, Computer Science, Consumer Psychology, CRISPR-Cas9, Cultural Analytics, Cybernetics, Digital-Matter, Fashion Identity, Fine-Art, Generative-Art, Genetics, Human-Computer Interaction, Localised Culture, Metaverse, New Media, Ontologies, Post-Humanism, Sculpture, Soft-Materiality, Web3
Developed with Norwegian arts and cultural catalyst PRAKSIS, the project is supported by a dynamic relationship between its partners: The Vigeland Museum and the nomadic queer club concept and conversational platform Karmaklubb*. Using the Genetics Gym project (2016-20) as a thematic reference, the project focuses on developing sculptural modifications of Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland’s work (1869-1943) as a centrepiece to investigate past and future constructions of gender, race, sexuality, age, body politics, and the notion of the ideal human. The project featured a party, exhibition, and talk series at the Vigeland Museum, exhibiting large format video and audio pieces projected against the internal courtyard over a curated evening of conversations and performances exploring research around genes, memes, and the modifiable body (2021).
In the summer of 2023, the project culminated in a four-part interview and research document with leading protagonists in the fields of new technology, identity, the body and the perception of self. Together, they provide a kaleidoscopic view of the impacts of new technologies on issues of identity and the human body. They variously reflect on the ways that algorithm-driven trends shape senses of (embodied) selfhood and desires relating to body image. Also under consideration are the ethical implications that arise when bio-technologies, perceptions and constructions of self, body modification and big data collide.
Keywords - Artificial Intelligence, Bioethics, Computer Science, Consumer Psychology, CRISPR-Cas9, Cultural Analytics, Cybernetics, Digital-Matter, Fashion Identity, Fine-Art, Generative-Art, Genetics, Human-Computer Interaction, Localised Culture, Metaverse, New Media, Ontologies, Post-Humanism, Sculpture, Soft-Materiality, Web3
Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023

Still from ‘Perfection / Speculation In Conversation With Lucy McRae; Body Architecture, Genetic Editing & Self-Transcendence’,
Videography, Katharina Gellein Viken & Charles Kriel, 2023
Videography, Katharina Gellein Viken & Charles Kriel, 2023
Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023

Adam Peacock x PRAKSIS x The Vigeland Museum x Karmaklubb*,
‘Perfection/Speculation’ party; ‘Queering the museum’ at the Vigeland Museum,
Photo by Julie Hrnčířová, 2021
‘Perfection/Speculation’ party; ‘Queering the museum’ at the Vigeland Museum,
Photo by Julie Hrnčířová, 2021
Still from ‘Perfection / Speculation In Conversation With Natasha Vite-More; Beauty, Transhumanism & The Disease of Aging’,
Videography, Katharina Gellein Viken & Charles Kriel, 2023
Videography, Katharina Gellein Viken & Charles Kriel, 2023

Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023

Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
Adam Peacock x PRAKSIS x The Vigeland Museum x Karmaklubb*,
‘Perfection/Speculation’ party; ‘Queering the museum’ at the Vigeland Museum,
Photo by Julie Hrnčířová, 2021
‘Perfection/Speculation’ party; ‘Queering the museum’ at the Vigeland Museum,
Photo by Julie Hrnčířová, 2021

Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023

Selection from,
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
‘Perfection / Speculation Clash’,
Made by P/S Film Clash Group,
Moving Image, 14 mins, 2023
PERFECTION / SPECULATION Explorer, Future Body Prototype
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu

PERFECTION / SPECULATION Explorer, Research Output
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu

PERFECTION / SPECULATION Explorer, Research Output (Folded)
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu
Made by PERFECTION / SPECULATION Clash Group led by Adam Peacock; Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Erika Stöckel, and Bobby Yu Shuk Pu.
Available in PDF and Limited Edition A1 Print. Oslo 2023
Available to read here on Issuu
Adam Peacock x PRAKSIS x Vigeland Museum x Karmaklubb*,

Four interviews: Natasha Vita-More, author of The Transhuman Manifesto; Mark Jarzombek, Professor of History and Theory of Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); artist and digital culture theorist Lev Manovich, and science-fiction artist, filmmaker, inventor and body architect, Lucy McRae.
Vita-More speaks with Peacock about concepts of beauty, the role of ego and the ethics of striving to overcome ageing. Jarzombek discusses the impacts of AI and design technology on perceptions of self, while delivering some tough correctives on questions of state and corporate surveillance and the struggle of ethics to keep pace with market-driven bio-technologies and data access. Manovich reflects on issues of autonomy and originality in relation to social media and the algorithmic mining of big data, and offers important contextual reflections on the history and evolution of information technologies and cultural analytics. McRae discusses what it means to be “human” in a science- and technology-driven world, and advocates for the role of art as a catalyst for experimental, open-ended approaches to the development of knowledge in this area.
PRAKSIS Residency 18: Perfection / Speculation
Developed with, Adam Peacock
Collaborators, KarmaKlubb*, The Vigeland Museum, Danai Papadimitriou
Residents, Marte Aas (NO), Jonathan Armour (UK), Louis Alderson-Bythell (UK/DK), Trinley Dorje (CA), Saleh Kashefi (IR), Adam Peacock (UK), Erika Stöckel (SE/NO), Lior Tamin (IL) and Bobby Yu Shuk Pui (HK/NO)
Perfection / Speculation Research Agenda Lead, Adam Peacock
Perfection / Speculation Research Agenda & Clash Video Project, Marte Aas, Jonathan Armour, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Trinley Dorje, Adam Peacock, Erika Stöckel, Bobby Yu Shuk Pui
Perfection / Speculation Clash Video Project Edit, Louis Alderson-Bythell, Bobby Yu Shuk Pui
Perfection / Speculation Research Film Creative Direction, Adam Peacock
Perfection / Speculation Research Film Videography, Katharina Gellein Viken, Charles Kriel
Perfection / Speculation Research Film Edit, Adam Peacock Studios
Perfection / Speculation Research Film Assistant, Bobby Yu Shuk Pui
Perfection / Speculation Research Film Produced by, PRAKSIS
Perfection / Speculation Research Document Edit, Adam Peacock, Rachel Withers
Perfection / Speculation Research Document Design, Adam Peacock Studios
Perfection / Speculation Research Document Produced by, PRAKSIS
Research Visits Made To, BioArt arena in Norway (NOBA), Bioteknologirådet (The Norwegian Biotechnology Advisory Board), Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Henry Moore Foundation, Menneskeverd (Human Dignity)
Online / In-Person Research Presentations From, Department of Archaeology Human Evolutionary Studies University of Cambridge, NFU - Norsk Forbund for Utviklingshemmede (The Norwegian Association for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities), Kreftforeningen (Norwegian Cancer Society), Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
Perfection / Speculation Guests, Alette Reinholdt, Ana María Bresciani, Daniel Marablanca, Danja Burchard, Maike Statz, Emmer Stower, Hege Tapio, Jarle Strømodden, Jonathan Goodman, Kristin Rudstaden, Ingrid Vatnar Eikje, Sigrid Bratlie, Stine Hufthammer Indrelid, Geir Haraldseth, Frida Marida, Cassie Brøskive
Perfection / Speculation Dinner Hosts, PRAKSIS Oslo; Charlotte Teyler, Nicholas John Jones, SuperTed the dog
Supported by Oslo Kommune, Kulturdirektoratet
Please click here for the Press Pack and download the full project assets.